Kids search engine

How is Kiddle designed specifically for kids?

1) Safe search: sites appearing in Kiddle search results satisfy family friendly requirements, as we filter sites with explicit or deceptive content. Please read more on kids safe search on Kiddle here.

2) Kids-oriented results: the boxes below illustrate how Kiddle returns results for each query (in the order shown):

3) Big thumbnails: most Kiddle search results are illustrated with big thumbnails, which makes it easier to scan the results, differentiate between them, and click the most appropriate results to your query. Thumbnails serve as visual clues and are especially beneficial to kids as they don’t read as fast as adults.

4) Large Arial font in Kiddle search results provides better readability for kids.

5) Privacy: we don’t collect any personally identifiable information, and our logs are deleted every 24 hours.

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